ICAI 2010 - 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics
to be held in Eger, Hungary
January 27-30, 2010
ICAI 2010 - 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics
to be held in Eger, Hungary
January 27-30, 2010
to be held in Eger, Hungary
January 27 - 30, 2010
About the papers» Step 1: Submit an abstractMaximum length: 1 page Acceptable formats: like the editable source variants of the full papers. Please do not forget to add your full name, the co-author's name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone numbers to the submission mail with the subject line: 'ICAI abstract submission'. Deadline for abstracts is » Step 2: Give a lectureMaximum length: 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions. Language: English » Step 3: Submit a full paperAuthors should send a copy of their full papers (up to 8 pages, in English only) in camera ready form and E-mail their papers to the Conference organizers (icai#ektf:hu). The following formats are accepted only (please include both the editable source and the finalized form in the email):
Please do not forget to add your full name, the co-author's name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone numbers to the submission mail with the subject line: 'ICAI full paper submission'. Deadline for full papers is Those full papers which are chosen through the review process will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference. |
About the posters» Step 1: Submit a posterPoster dimensions: 0,90m wide x 1,30m high - standard A0 size. Please do not forget to add your full name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone numbers to the submission mail with the subject line: 'ICAI poster submission'. Deadline for posters is » Step 2: Give a short lectureMaximum length: 5 minutes (strict). Language: English Short lectures should be given on January 29th, in the afternoon. The short lectures will be juried, and we will give the Best Poster Lecturer Award to the best lecturer. » Step 3: Poster sessionPoster session will be held on January 29th, after the short lectures. Please print your poster in advance. We are going to provide display panels and hooks. » Step 4: Submit an extended abstractPoster presenters should send a copy of their extended abstract (up to 1 pages, in English only) in camera ready form and E-mail their papers to the Conference organizers (icai#ektf:hu). The following formats are accepted only (please include both the editable source and the finalized form in the email):
Please do not forget to add your full name, the co-author's name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone numbers to the submission mail with the subject line: 'ICAI extended abstract submission'. Deadline for extended abstracts is The extended abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference. |
Further information: icai#ektf:hu